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15 years Mühlhäuser Marienkonzerte - opening with discovery concert on 06.05.2023, 20:00

For 15 years now, the Mühlhäuser Marienkonzerte have shaped the cultural life of the Bach town of Mühlhausen. With organ concerts, chamber music, choral concerts, large symphonic works, the city of Mühlhausen welcomes international stars of the musical manege.

On Saturday, May 6, at 8 p.m., city organist Denny Ph. Wilke will present and play the opening concert of this year's Marienkonzerte. The experience will be a concert of discovery: How does an organ work? What is the work of an organist? How do you make a piece of music sound?

Still at the digital organ, visibly positioned for visitors in the nave, Wilke takes a seat on the organ bench. The large Sauer organ on the west side of the church awaits its majestic deployment: just be patient, soon it will be time!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Advance booking: 13 €, reduced 10 €
Box office: 15 €, reduced 12 €

