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Mühlhausen Christmas market from 13.12. to 17.12.2023

When December is just around the corner, it's time for Christmas. Time for relaxed and enjoyable hours. Time for family and friends. Time to find yourself. And it's Christmas market time!
For five days around the 3rd weekend in Advent, you can experience a cosy Christmas market bathed in warm colours and indulgent scents around the Divi Blasi church on Untermarkt, Kristanplatz and Bachplatz. Sample Christmas delicacies, browse through the many seasonal offerings and simply enjoy wonderful moments with your loved ones. A varied cultural programme for the whole family will get you in the mood for Christmas.

13.12.2023          11:00-20:00 Uhr

14.12.2023          11:00-20:00 Uhr

15.12.2023          11:00-22:00 Uhr

16.12.2023          11:00-23:00 Uhr

17.12.2023          11:00-20:00 Uhr              


